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Nature Finds A Way Mixed Media Canvas

Hello Creatives! This is Becky, and I’m thrilled to dive into an exciting project that celebrates the boundless beauty and resilience of nature through art. Today, I’ll be sharing my latest creation—a mixed media canvas titled “Nature Finds A Way.” For this canvas, I’ve embraced the beauty of Perfect Paints Shimmering Acrylics and Texture mediums. Join me on this artistic journey as we discover how even the simplest elements of nature can inspire a vibrant and dynamic piece of art, transforming a blank canvas into a breathtaking representation of the world around us.


Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, I hope to spark your creativity and inspire you to experiment with new techniques and materials. Let’s get started!

Natures finds a way canvas by Becky Conley
Natures finds a way canvas by Becky Conley


Perfect Paints Shimming Matte Acrylic

Perfect Paints Polishing Plaster


18" x 24" Canvas, egg shells, liquid glue, wicker caning, cardboard, chipboard, mesh tape, bubble wrap, copper and gold leaf, paint: copper and gold, copper square brads, printed bird images on Cranson art paper (smooth), toilet paper tubes, E6000 adhesive, natural branch, ceramic leaves, fishing line (staple gun, large needle), bubble wrap, gold and copper mica flakes, Maker's Magic adhesive, Mod Podge, hot glue, brown framing paper, Clear spray sealant.


It was a long journey that began with breakfast!

I saved, washed and let dry about 2 dozen egg shells, then crushed them.

  1. Apply liquid glue to the canvas where you want to position the shells.

  2. Dump the shells onto the glued surface, position, rearrange and flip until you get the desired shape and effect.

  3. Squeeze more glue over the egg shells, brush with a large wet brush or sponge to smooth out the glue if it's thick, so there won't be glue lines obscuring the surface of the shells. Clean up edge as desired. I left a "margin" around this area and I wanted to keep that smooth, no glue puddles, etc.

    Adding eggshells to our canvas
    Adding eggshells to our canvas

  4. After the project is completely dry, using both Perfect Paints Matte Acrylics #1016 True Blue and #1030 Washed Teal in random patches, creating trails of color and blended areas, paint over the canvas and egg shells. Using an assortment of brushes; sizes and textures will help you get into the nooks and crannies.

  5. Cut strips of mesh tape and attach it to the canvas, criss crossed.

  6. Cut rectangles of stripped cardboard and chipboard and paint with copper color. (This cardboard was re-used packing materials that was already stripped to expose the ribbed texture) I placed a short strip of the mesh tape over the chipboard piece. Attach the pieces to the canvas with E6000 and large square copper toned brads. Pre-poking with a piercing tool or narrow blade is a must.

  7. Trim a piece of wicker caning to desired shape and size and glue to the canvas. It would have been easier to paint the background BEFORE adding the caning :o)

  8. At this point, finish painting the background of the canvas with random patches and blending of both Perfect Paints Matte Acrylics #1016 True Blue and #1030 Washed Teal.

    Closeup of the cardboard and chipboard rectangles
    Closeup of the cardboard and chipboard rectangles
  9. Using a palette knife, create a transition from some of the dimensional elements to the canvas background in selected areas with Perfect Paints Polishing Plaster #1072 Gilded Azure

  10. Apply gold paint to bubble wrap and press into the Polishing plaster while it's still wet.

  11. Dry brush caning, cardboard and mesh tape with gold paint. (I did not dry brush gold on the egg shell area.)

    Adding gold paint to the background
    Adding gold paint to the background

  12. Apply adhesive to bubble wrap and stamp areas where desired, add gold leaf. Let dry and brush away excess.

  13. Brush adhesive in areas where you want to add sparkle, drop gold and copper leaf flakes and mica into the adhesive.

  14. At this point, I sealed the project with clear acrylic varnish, finished off the back side with brown paper and attached hooks and wire to hang the piece.

    Adding gold leaf and sealing my project
    Adding gold leaf and sealing my project

  15. Print bird images onto Canson smooth artist paper. Cut the images out leaving large borders. Using Mod Podge, attach them to a sturdy toilet tissue cardboard center. Tape both ends down to keep smooth and in place. (Don't tape over images, this is what the extra border is for.) Mod Podge over the images, let dry completely.

    Print out birds on smooth artist paper
    Print out birds on smooth artist paper

  16. Cut out the bird images. This cardboard was very thick (Reel (c) brand tissue) and I do recommend a very heavy cardboard. I chose the toilet tissue roll for the curve, to add dimension so the birds wouldn't be flat. I used the black scissors initially and then went back to cut closer with the yellow detail scissors.

    cutting out our birds
    cutting out our birds

  17. Select a branch that fits the project and placement for the birds. (I soaked the branch in a warm bath for about 2 hours, layered it between towels and set a heavy tote on it overnight to try to diminish curvature.) Soaking the branch helped, but did not make the branch completely flat. It DID however make it flexible, so that I was able to tie down the branches and it didn't crack or snap.

  18. There are 2 areas where the branch touches the canvas in the center, secure with E6000. Hold in place with an appropriate size book and allow to dry for many hours.

  19. Securing the branches: Using a generous length of fishing line, fold it in half and place the ends through the loop. Pull the ends to the back of the canvas and staple. Pull the ends upward over that staple and staple again, just above the first staple. Keep holding the fishing line taught.

  20. Thread a large holed needle with the fishing line and tie off like a crochet project, coming up through the small loops created near the edge and make multiple knots.

  21. Pull the fishing line back down to the back of the project and hot glue a piece of brown paper over the ends. Trim excess.

    Securing the branches
    Securing the branches
    Securing the branches
    Securing the branches
    View showing curved branch
    View showing curved branch

  1. Once the branch is secure, it's time to add the birds! I manipulated the feet and tail feathers a little to get them to lay how I wanted.

  2. Adding the birds to the branches
    Adding the birds to the branches

    I love repurposing! The leaves I used for this project were shower curtain rings. They separated easily by twisting firmly, but carefully.

    repurposing shower curtain rings for leaves
    repurposing shower curtain rings for leaves

    shower curtain leaves
    shower curtain leaves

  3. Finally, adhere the leaves with E6000.

    Nature Finds A Way Mixed Media Canvas
    Nature Finds A Way Mixed Media Canvas

Thanks for stopping by the Perfect Paints Blog, I sure hope you had as much fun as I did!

Craft on, and make art every day!

Becky Conley


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