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Miniature Snow Globe with Perfect Paints!

Miniture snow globe painted with perfect paints
Miniature Snow Globe using Perfect Paints

The holiday season is a magical time of year, filled with laughter, warmth, and the joyous company of family and friends. It’s a period when traditions come to life, and creativity flourishes, especially in the form of festive crafts. Among the many activities that can bring a smile to our faces, crafting presents a special opportunity to bond with loved ones and create lasting memories. My latest creation is inspired by my granddaughters love of snow gloves! These enchanting little creations capture the essence of winter wonderlands and encapsulate the beauty of the season. Of course my snow globe is so effortless with Perfect Paints!


Miniature Globe

Miniature ceramic sign


Perfect Paints Polishing Plaster in Jack Frost

Perfect Paints White Stucco

Perfect Paints Pearl Plaster in Iridescent Red

Grab your Polishing Plaster and white stucco along with a small snow globe
Gather up your materials and lets get started

Let's gather our materials and get to crafting!!

I took the miniature sign and glued it down to the center of the wood base. Any glue will work but I used a Thick CA glue since it bonds super fast.

Miniture sign glued to the center of the snow globe
Add a miniature sign and glued it down to the center of the wood base.

Using the Perfect Paints White Stucco and a palette knife...just layer the stucco around the base. Pay close attention to building up your "snow" around the base of the sign. I wanted it to appear as snow had piled up around it.

Add some white stucco to the bottom of your snow globe to mimic snow
Add some white stucco on the bottom of your snow globe

I let that set for about an hour so that I could then add touches of the polishing plaster. Just here and there for some highlights of color. Once that had dried, I added some Iridescent Red Pearl Plaster. This Plaster is GOREGOUS! Look at this shimmer! Pictures do not do it justice!

Paint on some Pearl plaster when your stucco is dry
Add some Iridescent pearl plaster to the white stucco when dry.

The next day I added some glitter to the globe. It doesn't have to be a lot...I added about 1/4 of a cup.

Add 1/4 cup of glitter to the bottom of your snowglobe
Add about a 1/4 cup of glitter to the bottom of your snow globe

Now let the fun begin. Add some clear Gorilla Glue along the inside of the wood base. Add the globe and let it dry really good before picking up. Once it has cured you will have the most perfect little snow globe!

Closeup photo of finished snow globe
Closeup of finished snow globe

Closeup of finished snow globe
Closeup of finished snow globe

Hope you have enjoyed today's project! And I hope you have an amazing holiday!




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